Welcome to Our First Interski International Newsletter!

Dear Members of the Interski Community,

We are delighted to launch our inaugural Interski International Newsletter, designed to keep you informed about the latest developments, events, and initiatives within our global snow sports community. As we embark on this new form of communication, we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you, and we are excited to share our journey with you.

**New Interski Mission Statement**
The Interski Presidium met in September 2023 and created the following Mission Statement.

Our Mission
To provide platforms that bring together stakeholders interested in growing snowsports for all, while doing so in a sustainable, professional and fiscally responsible way.

We do so by:

  1. Providing a variety of platforms for idea sharing and networking at all levels:
    • Congress
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Webinars
    • Apps
    • Online Forums
  2. Creating content, gathering, summarizing, and disseminating information.
  3. Promoting snowsports and our members.
  4. Managing resources effectively and bringing in new sources of revenue.

Please let us know if this mission resonates with the values of your organization. Share ideas for how we can be more of a resource for you and for the snowsports industry. Let us know what kinds of information you would like to get from Interski or which areas you would like us to explore.

We are here for you!

**Exciting News: Interski Congress 2027 to be Held in Vail!**

We are thrilled to announce that the next Interski Congress in 2027 will take place in the breathtaking ski destination of Vail, Colorado, USA. After an exciting process and online General Assembly, PSIA-AASI and Vail have been selected by the Interski members, to be the host for this prestigious event. Nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Vail offers unparalleled beauty, world-class ski facilities, and a vibrant atmosphere that promises to make the 2027 Interski Congress an unforgettable experience for all participants. Special thanks to AMSI and Livigno, Italy for putting forth such a compelling and passionate bid.

**Contract Signing Ceremony**

The signing of the contract between Interski International and the organizing committee from PSIA-AASI in Vail marks a significant milestone in the journey towards the 2027 Congress. This momentous occasion solidifies the partnership between Interski and Vail, ensuring a seamless collaboration in the planning and execution of the event. The official signing ceremony, which took place on February 3, 2024, was attended by many interested individuals and included key representatives from both parties, such as Interski President Eric Sheckleton, Vice-President Stéphane Cattin, PSIA-AASI CEO Peggy Hiller, and Vail Mountain Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer Beth Howard. For more information on the contract signing, please visit TheSnowPros.org.

**Introducing Vanessa Mann: Project Manager for Interski International**

We are pleased to introduce Vanessa Mann as the newly appointed Project Manager for Interski International. With her wealth of experience in project management and her passion for snow sports, Vanessa brings a unique blend of expertise and enthusiasm to her role. As Project Manager, Vanessa will play a vital role in coordinating various aspects of Interski International’s initiatives, including managing the various working groups, including those around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Sustainability, and ensuring membership outreach and social media accounts. Her dedication and leadership will ensure the success of Interski’s endeavors in promoting snow sports education and fostering international collaboration within the industry.

**Current Projects**

** Environmental Working Group **
Interski, in partnership with ISIA, IAESS and the United Nations Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, are working to address plastic waste in the mountains. While still at the start of this partnership, we hope to eventually raise awareness by sharing best practices, new ideas, and resources for nations, schools, and individual instructors/guides to share with clients to help reduce waste in our environment. This is just the first step. We hope to expand this collaboration to include work to address water usage, carbon emissions, and more. More information to come.

** Sexual Harassment in Snowsports **

During Interski 2023, the Deutscher Skiverband (DSV) and Snowboard Germany showcased the educational program Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Snowsports. The goal of this initiative is to help raise awareness and train coaches about the signs of sexual harassment in snowsports.

DSV and Snowboard Germany have graciously offered to discuss this program with interested nations and offer it at the cost price. Please contact DSV for more information.

** Training Managers Working Group **
An outcome of Interski 2023 was a request from the Training Managers from each nation, to create an ongoing forum and working group through Interski 2027. The purpose would be to share ideas, best practices, and maintain friendships and opportunities for partnership. Interski is in the process of determining the best format for this meeting and will be reaching out in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, please send the name and contact information of your designated Training Manager to info@iaess.org

**Stay Connected**
Keep an eye on our website and our new social media channels for the latest news and updates on what is going on in the snowsports world and everything regarding the Interski Congress 2027. You can also relive Interski 2023 in Levi by visiting the Interski YouTube channel. It includes videos of the shows, technical runs, and lectures from Interski 2023. It also includes lectures and webinars produced in partnership with IAESS. More videos will be added and please feel free to share any interesting videos of lectures, workshops or demonstrations for us to share with the world.

YouTube: Interski YouTube channel
Facebook: Interski International
Instagram: interski_international

Whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, we wish you a month ahead filled with friends, family and joy doing what you love and sharing it with others.

The Interski Presidium